Visual art
Painting and graphics of the history of the city 79About 43 000 items. One of the oldest collections in the museum, existing since the foundation of the Museum of Old Petersburg in 1907.
The main sources of its replenishment - collections of imperial and grand ducal palaces, collections of Prince Vladimir Argutinskii-Dolgorukov, Pyotr Veiner, Alexander Haush, Lev Ilin and gifts from ... ↓-
Engravings 13The collection of engravings preserves the sheets, executed by A. F. Zubov, I. Schonebeck, the samples of the Peter's era, panoramas of St. Petersburg and its environs in the middle of the XVIII century by M. I. Makhaev, as well as engraved views of St. Petersburg and its suburbs in the first quarter of the XIX century by D. Atkinson, B. Patersen, C. F. Galaktionov and the city views of the ... ↓
Paintings 14The collection of paintings includes works of famous St. Petersburg artists F. Y. Alexeev, M. N. Vorobyov, A. M. Maksimov, I.N. Kramskoy, I.K. Aivazovsky, the works of the artists of the Russian avant-garde M. V. Matyushin and E.I. Guro, and picturesque shopping signs of the early XX century.
Drawings 20In the collection of drawings there are landscapes of St. Petersburg, genre sketches, portraits. Among the famous authors are J.B. De La Traverse, I.I. Charlemaine, V.S. Sadovnikov, Alex. N. Benoit, P. E. Scherbov and many others.
Lithographs 17Collection of lithographs can be considered quite complete because it includes views of St. Petersburg of different periods, the city panoramas, genre scenes and portraits.
Architectural drawings 15In the section of architectural graphics there are projects and drawings of the famous St. Petersburg architects of the XVIII and XIX centuries: F.-B. Rastrelli, I. E. Starov, A. Rinaldi, J. Quarenghi, A. D. Zakharov, A. N. Voronikhin, K. Rossi, O. Montferrand, A. I. Stackenschneider and many others. The St. Petersburg’s architecture of the XX century is presented by the projects of L. A. Ilyin, ... ↓
Paintings and graphics of cities of the world 70About 30 000 items.
The collection includes works of the XVI – early XX centuries. The main sources of replenishment - the collections of imperial and grand-ducal palaces, St. Petersburg’s mansions and private collections.
Among the exhibits of the fund there are the engravings of special value by Stefano Du Perac, Jacques Rigaud, Giovanni Battista Piranesi ... ↓-
Paintings 15
Art collection of the Fund has 254 paintings dating back to XIX – XX centuries. It presents paintings and sketches of the domestic and Western European masters.
The main and the best part of the works was acquired from the Petersburg art collections. Among the authors of paintings are the names of I.F.Alexandrovsky, A.P.Bogolyubov, I. A.Weiss, J. de ... ↓ -
Drawings 15The collection presents the works of I. E. Repin, G. K. Lukomsky, I. I. Shishkin, L. O. Premazzi, architects Y. G. Gevirtz, R. A. Goedicke, A. A. Ol
Engravings 25The collection of engravings has 20217 items and chronologically covers the period from the late sixteenth to mid-twentieth century. The urban views of Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America form the largest part of the collection. In addition, there are images of ancient monuments, as well as prints based on paintings of various genres. Of the most famous European engravers-vedutists ... ↓
Lythographs 15Collection of lithographs of the Fund has 6698 images dating back to XIX – XX centuries.
Most of the collection consists of cityscapes and views of natural wonders of Western Europe, Asia, the Middle East and America. Views of the cities of Russian Empire: Moscow, Vladimir, Novgorod, Kazan, Kiev, Kostroma, Nizhny Novgorod, Odessa, Pskov, Romanovo-Borisoglebsk, Rybinsk, ... ↓
Contemporary painting and graphics 71More than 27 000 items. The collection of the contemporary painting and graphics stores the works of Leningrad - St. Petersburg artists of the XX-XXI centuries. All types of prints, drawings, watercolors, gouache, tempera and paintings are represented in this collection. A significant part of the collection is occupied by works devoted to the Great Patriotic War and the Siege of Leningrad. ... ↓
Paintings 25The collection of paintings includes two thousand works of art in the technique of oil painting on various surfaces (canvas, wood, hardboard, cardboard, paper). The figurative and abstract paintings in various genres are stored: landscapes (mostly urban), portraits, historical, genre painting, still lifes.
Watercolours and drawings 14Раздел «рисунок, акварель» объединяет более 15000 произведений изобразительного искусства, исполненных в технике акварели, гуаши, туши, различных видов карандашей, в том числе сангины и сухой пастели, а также в смешанной технике.
Представлены различные жанры: городской пейзаж, портрет, натюрморт, жанровые композиции, архитектурные зарисовки, эскизы праздничного оформления города, эскизы ... ↓ -
Prints and lithographs 32Разделы «гравюры» и «литографии», имеющие общее название – эстамп, насчитывают около 6000 произведений, выполненных в технике высокой, глубокой, плоской и трафаретной печати (это офорт, акватинта, линогравюра, ксилография, монотипия, шелкография, литография).
В собрании представлены произведения ярких представителей ленинградской графической школы, таких как Е.С. Кругликова, П.А. ... ↓
Architectural graphics and cartography 41More than 17 000 items. Fund of architectural graphics and cartography is a collection of museum objects which reflect the history of the world urban construction.
Architectural drawings of the XVIII-XX centuries 19The handwritten drawings, engraved and lithographed sketches
Collection of maps and plans of European and Russian cities in XVIII-XX centuries 22The collection of maps and atlases
Sculptures 90Fund of sculpture has more than 1,000 items and includes sculptural works of Russian, Soviet and foreign artists from the second half of the XVIII century to the beginning of the XXI century.
Russian sculpture of the XIX - beginning of the XX century 13This period is represented by 318 items in the collection.
More than 50 of them came from the Museum of Old Petersburg and the Museum of the City, including the gifts of the famous architect, Chairman of the society of architects-artists, count P.Y.Suzor, President of the Museum Council, the publisher of the magazine "Old years" P.P.Weiner, a member of the ... ↓ -
Russian and Soviet sculpture of the XX-XXI centuries 60This section mainly presents the works by St. Petersburg sculptors.
A large group of sculptures were received from the Museum of Defense of Leningrad after its liquidation in 1949. These are the portraits of the defenders of Leningrad: pilots V.A.Matsievich, I.M.Shishkan, S.G.Litavrin, partisans: C.D.Karitskoy, A.W.Herman, B.I.Eren-Price, A.Petrova, Junior girls - air ... ↓ -
Sculpture of foreign countries 17This section has a little over 200 units.
The objects, typical for the interior decoration of the St. Petersburg houses in XIX – early XX centuries, which reflect the tastes of different segments of the population form the bulk of the collection.
The gifts to the city from foreign delegations of about twenty countries worldwide form a separate ... ↓
Collection of modern architectural graphics 44
About 11,000 storage units.
The collection consists of design materials related to the planning, development and improvement of Leningrad-Petersburg, as well as projects developed by St. Petersburg architects for other cities.
Chronological framework of the collection - 1917-1990s.
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The collection began to take shape in the 1920s in the Architectural Department and the Department of Communal and Social Hygiene of the Museum of the City. The creator and first director of the museum, Lev Aleksandrovich Ilyin, was simultaneously the creator and head of the Leningrad Redevelopment Commission. The Commission itself was founded in 1923 at the Museum of the City and only in 1925 it became subordinate to the Petrograd Provincial Executive Committee. The basis of the initial collection was the materials from the archive of architectural graphics of the Urban Development Commission of the Sovkomhoz, transferred to the museum in 1923. Later, the collection was replenished with materials for the settlement of the plan of Petrograd and its outskirts (which were worked out by a group of architects under the direction of L.A.Ilyin) and materials of architectural competitions held by the Otkomkhoz (Department of Communal Services) of the Leningrad City Council. In 1938, during the reorganization of the museum, which became the Museum of the History and Development of Leningrad, a significant part of the materials was lost (decommissioned, sold out, transferred to other museums). However, the collection continued to be actively replenished by proceeds from private collections and from design organizations in Leningrad.
The collection of the fund can be divided into 5 chronological and stylistic groups.
The first one is composed of early post-revolutionary projects, most of which have not been implemented. Stylistically, most of them are connected with the search for the lapidary language of the "new classic". These include projects of the first Soviet architectural competitions in Petrograd-Leningrad, landscaping projects and the creation of urban communications networks, projects of typical buildings for various purposes.
Architectural projects of the second half of the 1920s - early 1930s reflect the avant-garde period of the development of Soviet architecture. Our museum has the most studied and probably the richest collection of architectural graphics of the Leningrad avant-garde. The same period (and partly the previous one) includes a group of materials created by the employees of the Otkomkhoz of Lensovet directly for the expositions in our museum. These objects reflect not only the history of the city and the graphics of the avant-garde era, but also that period in the history of our museum, when it served as one of the first centers in the world for the comprehensive study and design of the urban structure and environment, what we now call “urban studies”.
In the complex of materials of the 1930s and first half of the 1950s, projects of quarterly development of Moscow Avenue and the creation of a new city center, projects of public buildings such as the Udarnik House (architect N.A.Trotsky), the House of the Medical Worker (architect N.A.Miturich), competitive projects of the lighthouse monument in the Leningrad port (authors I.G.Langbard, N.A.Trotsky and others), competitive projects of the House of Soviets.
The post-war period includes projects for the restoration of old houses that were destroyed during the Great Patriotic War and large-scale, mostly low-rise, new residential construction, projects of the first stations of the Leningrad Metro. This period is fairly well and fully represented in the collection by the projects of architects L.V.Rudnev, V.A.Kamensky, K.L.Johansen, A.I.Lapirov, B.N.Zhuravlev, A.V.Zhuk, E.N.Sandler, A.K.Andreev, M.Y.Klimentov, and many others.
The era of Leningrad architectural modernism - 1960-1980s is represented quite fully in the collection. These are projects of residential buildings, public buildings, memorial complexes, layouts of blocks under construction, interior design projects. In this part of the collection it is worth noting the representative complexes of works by architects G.P.Morozov, N.M.Zakharyina, S.I.Evdokimov, I.N.Kuskov, E.M.Poltoratsky, V.N.Sherbin.
The post-Soviet period of the architecture of St.Petersburg is currently presented in the collection only by several dozen sheets. Nevertheless, this part of the collection reflects various aspects of St.Petersburg’s architecture - from residential buildings and restaurants to metro stations and memorial complexes.
Архитектура первых послереволюционных лет 7Проекты этого времени в большинстве своем остались нереализованными. Стилистически большинство из них связанно с поисками лапидарного языка «новой классики». Сюда относятся проекты первых советских архитектурных конкурсов в Петрограде-Ленинграде, проекты озеленений и создания сетей городских коммуникаций, проекты типовых зданий самого разного ... ↓
Архитектурные проекты второй половины 1920х - начала 1930х годов 7Произведения этого периода отражают авангардный период развития советской архитектуры. Наш музей обладает наиболее изученной и, вероятно, наиболее богатой коллекцией архитектурной графики ленинградского авангарда. К этому же периоду (и, отчасти, к предшествующему) относится группа материалов, создававшихся сотрудниками Откомхоза Ленсовета непосредственно для экспозиций нашего музея. Эти предметы ... ↓
Проекты 30х – первой половины 50х годов 7В этом комплексе следует выделить проекты поквартальной застройки Московского проспекта и создания нового городского центра, проекты зданий общественного назначения, таких как Дом Ударника (арх. Н.А.Троцкий), Дом Медработника (арх. Н.А.Митурич), конкурсные проекты памятника-маяка в ленинградском порту (авторы И.Г.Лангбард, Н.А.Троцкий и др.), конкурсные проекты Дома Советов. К послевоенному ... ↓
Коллекция карт и планов 10Коллекция карт и планов в Фонде современной архитектурной графики представлена более чем 500 листами. Она включает в себя как типографские издания карт Петрограда/Ленинграда/Петербурга и его окрестностей, так и оригинальные графические работы. Среди последних есть проекты планировок развития городской инфраструктуры.
Значительная часть этой коллекции связана непосредственно с Музеем Города и ... ↓ -
Ленинградский архитектурный модернизм 1960-1980-е годы 7Данная эпоха в фонде представлена многогранно и достаточно полно. Это и проекты жилых домов, и общественные сооружения, и мемориальные комплексы, и планировки строящихся кварталов, и проекты оформления интерьеров. В этой части коллекции стоит отметить представительные комплексы работ архитекторов Г.П.Морозова, Н.М.Захарьиной, С.И.Евдокимова, И.Н.Кускова, Е.М.Полторацкого, ... ↓
Постсоветский период архитектуры Санкт-Петербурга 6На данный момент этот период представлен в собрании относительно скромно – несколько десятков листов. Тем не менее, эта часть собрания отражает различные аспекты петербургской архитектуры – от жилых домов и ресторанов до станций метро и мемориальных ... ↓
Replicated graphics 97The fund of replicated graphics was separated into an independent unit in 1981. The fund includes a collection of posters, playbills, programs, invitations, menus, labels and calendars. The core of the fund is formed from the collections of the Museum of Old Petersburg, City Museum and Museum of the Defense of Leningrad
Posters of the pre-revolutionary period 102 400 units. The collection presents different types of posters, published in pre-revolutionary Russia in the printing house "Association of R.Golike and A. Vilborg", chromolithographic factories of T. Kibbel and of E. Marcus and other print institutions of St.Petersburg.
Posters of the Soviet period 23The State Museum of St. Petersburg has formed a unique collection of Soviet posters, numbering about 15,000 items. The collection covers the period from 1918, from the appearance of the first Soviet political posters, to present days.
The collection was based on items moved from the State Hermitage, the State Public Library, the Museum of Defense of Leningrad, a branch of ... ↓ -
Posters, programs, invitations 20The materials cover the period from the end of the XIX century to the present day and have more than 20 thousand storage units.
Pre-revolutionary materials show the variety of theatrical, exhibition, musical, literary life of the capital. Along with posters of outstanding productions of the Imperial theaters, there are also posters and programs of theaters that were ... ↓ -
Calendars 11More than 500 copies of the wall, flip, souvenir (with ads of trading firms of Petersburg), "eternal" calendars. Chronologically the collection covers the period of 1880-ies - beginning of the XXI century.
Menus 10The collection of menus, numbering about 500 items, was taken to the Museum since the creation of the Museum of Old Petersburg. It is one of the best in the country.
Stamps 11The collection of the postage stamps; police stamps and address fees; municipal stamps, savings, charitable stamps, etc.
Labels 12The labels collection presents the pre-revolutionary and post-revolutionary periods (end of XIX - the beginning of XXI century) and has more than 9,000 items.