Collection of lithographs of the Fund has 6698 images dating back to XIX – XX centuries.
Most of the collection consists of cityscapes and views of natural wonders of Western Europe, Asia, the Middle East and America. Views of the cities of Russian Empire: Moscow, Vladimir, Novgorod, Kazan, Kiev, Kostroma, Nizhny Novgorod, Odessa, Pskov, Romanovo-Borisoglebsk, Rybinsk, Tomsk and many others form a smaller but important part of the collection.
Among the foreign authors of lithographs there are the names of famous French masters, who stood at the forefront of this type of graphic art. Lithographic views of Russia are presented by the works of many artists, among them are Karl von Kügelgen, F.Gross, S.Lukin, A.A.Martynov, K.V.Rabus, J-N Raugh, V.S.Sadovnikov, F.Suvorov, G.V.Timm, V.S.Turin, and others.
About 4000 species of lithographic collection of prints are stored in frames and albums.