About 60 000 units. Throughout the XXth century the Museum has acquired or received as a gift the works of the best artists-photographers and photojournalists of St. Petersburg. In addition, the materials came from LenTASS, personal archives of residents and from customs. A large collection of photos of 1941-1945 was donated directly by military photographers. It includes works by famous masters D. M. Trakhtenberg, B.P. Kudoyarov, B. S. Losin, B. V. Utkin and others. In 1980 – 1990-ies, the Fund was supplemented by materials from the archives of the oldest St. Petersburg’s photographers: L. L. Sievert, I. N. Narovlyanski, V. P. Samoilov, A. F. Shuvalov. In recent years an impressive collection of works by modern masters was formed: V. S. Antonshenkov, A. A. Kitaev, S. A., Kompaniichenko, A. V. Krupnov, I. P. Potemkin, P. M. Markin, I. V. Gundareva, A. A. Smirnov, B. K. Degtyarev and others. The collection of photographs depicting the architecture of a city in the first half of XXth century is of great interest. Adequately complete is the photo gallery devoted to the Great Patriotic war, the Siege of Leningrad, the restoration of the city and its suburbs in the postwar period. The pictures are made by the Leningrad military photographers D. M. Trakhtenberg, B. V. Utkin, G. I. Chertov, B. S. Losin, V. G. Fedoseyev, V. I. Kapustin, N. P. Yanov and Moscow photographer B.P.Kudoyarov. In the 1960s - 1990s, due to the systematic acquisition, the Fund was supplemented by materials from the archives of the oldest photographers N. P. Karasev, L. L. Sievert, I. A., Narovlyanski, M. A. Kashe, V. P. Samoilov. The Museum is proud to keep a collection of photos showing all extant churches in St. Petersburg. This great work was accomplished in the 1980-ies by A. F. Shuvalov. In recent years, the Museum collection has expanded to include works of contemporary photographers of the St. Petersburg V.C. Antoshenkov, I. V. Gundareva, A. A. Kitaev, S. A. Kompaniichenko, L.S. Tabolina, I. P. Potemkin, S. A. Zakharov, A. V. Sladkov, P. M. Markin, S. V. Chabutkin, A. V. Usov and many other talented photographers. The undoubted success for the Museum was the acquisition of the collection of stereo photographs and stereo negatives numbering 6000 units. The creator of this collection, which presents the views of St. Petersburg - Petrograd - Leningrad and many other cities of the world was A. A., Krolenko (1889-1970), organizer and leader (1921-1929) of the publishing house "Academia".