Collection of sewing machines of 1870-1990-ies 8
The collection consists of 79 items. These are mainly household sewing machines, but there are also industrial ones. 34 companies producing sewing machines in the period 1870-1990-ies are represented in this collection.
Vehicles and their models 14
The fund includes cars, motorcycles and bicycles, as well as a collection of models, representing different kinds of sea, river, electric, rail and road transport and animal traction.
Photo and cine hardware 11
The fund presents different types of film and photo cameras, enlargers, meters and devices for processing and printing: timers, processing tanks, mounting frames, etc.
Optical devices 11
The collection presents the microscopes ( 51 item dating back to 1870 - 1973-ies), binoculars - 58 items ( 1820-1981-ies), telescopes - 8 subjects (the end of XIX century - 1910-ies)
Medical instruments 10
The collection includes surgical, gynecological and other tools, a variety of instruments for measuring pressure, cardiac, ophthalmic and other instruments, including the equipment of the dental office of the late XIX century
Devices for weight, volume and linear measurement 11
Collection of the weight measures consists of 160 items and includes the steelyards, beam, spring, analytical and postal scales. The collection of linear measures includes meters, yards, roulettes, etc., - 105 items (1860-1970-ies)
Communication equipment 12
The Fund presents a collection of various radio equipment: radios, speakers, collections of telegraph and telephone apparatus, TV-sets dating back to the end 1930-1980-ies.